9:15-2:00 3rd Jaklitsch OC

9:15-2:00 3rd Jaklitsch OC

Daily Schedule

9:30-9:45             LookAround


9:45-10:00          Probe

10:00-10:15       Ecosystems Presentation and overviewof the day -

EcosystemSlide show Has the Earth always looked the way it does?

Extinct animals: do they look like any animals that arealive today?

 10:15-11:30        DIG! , History of land and share

 11:30-12:15        Recess and Lunch

12:15-12:45         Station 1-Rat Island/ Invasive Species

12:45-1:15           Station 2 Invasive Species/ Rat Island

 1:15-1:45            Hazardous Links (Big Group)

2:00-2:15             ReviewProbe

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